The thunks
plugin type can be used to define arbitrary asynchronous functions to be executed in response to Redux actions. @wq/router provides thunks support via the Redux-First Router model, meaning they are defined internally as pathless routes (rather than Redux-Thunk-style action creators).
A thunks plugin should define a thunks
object mapping each Redux action type to a thunk definition. While it is not required, the plugin should generally also have a name
and reducer / actions defined as well.
// src/search.js
export default {
name: "search",
actions: {
runSearch(query) {
return {
"type": "RUN_SEARCH",
"payload": {
"query": query
thunks: {
async RUN_SEARCH(dispatch, getState, bag) {
const { action } = bag;
const result = await someSearch(action.payload.query);
"payload": result
reducer(state, action) { ... }
// src/index.js
import app from '@wq/app';
import search from './search';
import config from './config';
search.runSearch("example"); // @wq/store bound action