wq package and wq.js
The wq metapackage can be installed via PyPI, npm, or CDN, though the purpose is slightly different in each case.
- The wq PyPI package is just a placeholder with dependencies on wq.app, wq.build, wq.create, and wq.db.
- The wq npm package has dependencies on @wq/app, @wq/material, and @wq/map-gl, as well as a compiled wq.js containing all three libraries and their dependencies.
The primary purpose of including wq.js in the npm package is to facilitate CDN usage, i.e.. via import wq from https://unpkg.com/wq
The wq.app PyPI package also contains a copy of wq.js. The two versions are functionally equivalent, though built differently. wq.app’s wq.js is built directly from the packages/ directory in the wq.app github repository, while the npm version is built from the released @wq/* packages on npm.